4 Key Nutrients that made a HUGE impact on Molly's energy levels

Today I want to share a story of inspiration with you about overcoming fatigue - especially afternoon slump.

Meet Molly, she loves to be really productive at work. She has a high-paced job, a busy family, and three kids. 

When we started working together she shared how important it is for her to be able to enjoy all aspects of life being productive and effective in her career while also, being able to enjoy activities, including travel soccer, and baseball on the weekends. 

She also prioritized time for relaxation and connection with her spouse in the evenings.

When she reached out to me she said “You know, I'm finding myself just wiped. I'm depleted, and then I get snappy. I have a short fuse, I'm not very fun in the second half of the day and into the evening. The people that I love the most are not getting the best of me. I really want to create a shift.”

She had tried many different diets. She had tried doing new workout routines and trying to feel better. Nothing changed until we started to understand what specifically her body needed.

One of the things I want to highlight to you is how frustrating it can be when you've tried many things and then you start to believe: 

I don't even know if this is possible for me. I don't know if it's possible for me to feel differently, or if I just have to kind of accept that I'm getting older. My energy levels are not the same as what they used to be, so this is my new norm. 

Your erosion of belief of what is possible is the number one thing that shifts when you have more specific customized support.

Through this journey, we worked together to look at her micronutrients. Through functional medicine micronutrient testing saw that her vitamin E levels were really low, her vitamin C levels are suboptimal, and also key minerals such as zinc and magnesium were leaving her depleted.

This clarity allowed us to customize supportive foods and supplementation that made a big difference. 

Molly radically charged up her energy levels and now it has become part of her routine to go for an evening walk and attend workout class three days a week. 

She was able to spend weekends with her family being totally connected.  

This opened up an opportunity for her to have deep, supportive conversations when her daughter was going through a challenging situation with her friends, all without depleting Molly.

And her business accelerated in the middle of a software transition with her team during a key launch, while she maintained her focus on health supportive habits.  

Her life radically changed and it started with Molly saving time because she knew  what her body needed

Having the knowledge, targeted support a game plan to implement to fill in her nutrient gaps was a catalyst to change so many different facets of her life.

I want to share that inspiration with you because if you're feeling defeated if you're feeling like you don't even know if this is possible for you, Molly was in that same position before.

Hope this is an inspiration for you, knowing what your body needs and how certain nutrients may be in higher demand for your body, especially if you are running at a busy pace in your life.

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Vitamin B6