Sara's Empowering Journey to 10x Health

Today, I’m excited to share with you  Sara's inspiring journey towards achieving 10x health through our work together.

Listen now to hear in her own words:

Faced with a concerning blood count level during a routine physical, Sara was determined to understand the issue and take control of her health.

She felt disheartened by her doctor's dismissive response, so she sought guidance from me and my team at Hinman Holistic.

Together we used these 5 elements to 10x her health!

  1. Understanding the Power of 10x Health:

For Sara, 10x health represents more than just better numbers on a lab report. It symbolizes life with ten times more joy, love, abundance, and fulfillment. So first we clarified what that version of her life looks like.

2. A Shift in Perspective:

Sara's journey challenged her previous approach to health. She realized that true vitality was not about quick fixes or putting her health on the back burner.

Instead, she learned how to embody the identity of a strong and powerful individual—one who protected and defended her well-being.

With her new mindset, she approached her health with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure, making the process enjoyable and rewarding.

3. The Power of Holistic and Functional Medicine:

Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses on surface-level results, we worked together to provide Sara with a holistic and functional approach to her health.

Through various tests and analyses, we delved deeper into the root causes of her health concerns, guiding her toward personalized solutions that addressed the underlying issues. This approach empowered her to take charge of her well-being proactively.

4. Creating a Supportive Network:

One crucial aspect of Sara's success was the support and accountability provided. Sara found strength in sharing her journey with like-minded individuals and being part of a supportive community. Together, we celebrated victories, overcame challenges, and embraced the transformative power of collective encouragement.

5. Discovering Joy in Health:

Sara's journey was not about restriction or a tedious regimen; instead, it became an exploration of joy and pleasure. By incorporating "vitamin F" for fun, "vitamin P" for pleasure, and "vitamin P" for play into her health regimen, Sara discovered that nourishing her body and mind could be a ton of fun!

This helped her stay committed to her health goals and see massive progress.

Want to find out how Sara did it and model the exact success in your health?

You’re in luck!

Right now you have the opportunity to see if you're a fit for the Natural Hormone Solution Program and you will receive life-changing coaching, guidance, and empowerment to create a massive shift in your hormone health.

Although working with us is an investment, this is nothing compared to the alternative cost of NOT creating a U-turn in the direction of your health now…

Of not making the decision and instead looking back 10 years down the road, super mad at yourself you didn’t…

Of not investing proactively in your health even though you’ve seen that our clients are ROI’ing significantly by adding years of peak vitality to their lives.

This is your chance to make it happen! I believe in you :)

Ready for your health transformation?


Sherri's Journey to Health Empowerment


From 3 Drugs to None. Hypertension Gone!